Are magfed paintball guns legal? It’s a question that often comes up in forums. online. The short answer is basically YES! Provided that you observe and abide by some legal limits and requirements.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this post is intended as general guidance and is not provided as legal advice. The details provided are correct at the time of writing, please ensure that you check the legal requirements for your specific country and or state.”
What is the legality of Magfed Paintball guns?
The short answer is that magfed paintball markers are generally considered to be just as legal as any other marker or paintball gun.
Magfed markers are included in the same class of weapon as ‘toy’ guns and thus subject to the usual limits, restrictions and requirements applicable to regular paintball markers (so long as they are used within the limits of regular paintball play).
Magfed markers are considered to be the same as any other marker or paintball gun, but there are some things that can potentially get you into trouble.
This largely comes down to irresponsible use or poor judgement on the part of the player, rather than the marker itself. Although magfed markers can be used in a realistic way on the field, they can also cause trouble if they are not used properly.
What legal problems could I have with a Magfed Paintball gun?
Just like any other paintball gun (or toy gun for that matter), magfed markers can potentially cause problems if they are misused or misapplied. The common problems are usually caused by the following factors:
- The marker is used to impersonate a real gun. The most common example of this would be carrying it around with you in public or waving it around in public. This can potentially cause confusion and panic, which could lead to someone getting hurt. If local law enforcement thinks that it’s a real firearm, it could even have fatal consequences.
- The paintballs are used in a way that is not within the legal limits of regular paintball. An example would be firing at vehicles, houses etc; some places have specific laws on discharging weapons within city limits or onto someone else’s property (for example).
- The marker is modified to increase the power or using higher-than-allowed velocities. Because the magfed marker can potentially be loaded with projectiles that are harder, heavier and faster than regular paintballs. This is very dangerous and could result in breaking firearms laws (see the section below).
- The marker is used to impersonate a police officer or military personnel. For some reason, it’s tempting for some people to carry replica guns of any kind in order to pretend they are part of the government forces. If you use your marker in this fashion, expect to have legal issues.
How can I avoid legal problems with my Magfed Paintball Gun?
As mentioned at the beginning, most of these problems are caused either by ignorance or irresponsibility on the part of the user. The following precautions can be taken to avoid problems:
- Never carry your magfed marker in public. If you’re going to a paintball field, carry your magfed marker in a suitable rifle bag or hard case. Don’t walk around with it in public places such as parks, shopping malls etc.
- Only use your magfed marker for playing paintball. Visit local paintball sites regularly to ensure it is within acceptable legal limits.
- Never modify or increase the power of your marker
- Only shoot paintballs, a paintball gun is only a paintball gun when is used to shoot paintballs. As soon as you shoot any other projectile you are changing the acceptable use and could be breaking the law.
- If you are replicating law enforcement or military loadout for a scenario or milsim gameplay
Can I buy realistic or replica paintball guns?
As paintball guns are becoming more and more realistic and in many cases almost 1:1 replicas of their real steel cousins. It does raise some questions as to how legal they are to buy and own.
In this section, we will examine the laws as they apply to owning a paintball gun as well as the more realistic replica guns.
Magfed paintball guns are considered by some countries to be similar to Airsoft replicas and as such treated as toys, however with advancements in technology and design some of these guns have become very difficult to tell apart from their real steel counterparts.
In countries such as the UK, where firearms are more strictly controlled. Airsoft replicas are classified as Realistic Imitation Firearms (RIF’s) with limitations on their purchase and ownership. While realistic magfed paintball markers are subject to laws similar to airgun ownership, requiring the buyer to be over 18.
One of the easiest ways to determine if paintball guns are legal where you live is to see if you can actually buy one from a legitimate retailer. This may seem very simplistic, but the large legitimate retailers are likely to be bound by strict laws on the importation and reselling of magfed paintball guns.
When sold these retailers are responsible for ensuring the guns meet the required restrictions for them to comply with country or state laws. These can range from having to have the gun painted a bright colour, not being full-auto capable or having a bright pink muzzle break.
If there are restrictions on your eligibility to buy and own a magfed paintball gun, the reseller will be obliged to inform you. Most will have detailed information on their websites and will be more than happy to advise how to become affiliated or meet the restrictions to complete a legal purchase.
How do I make sure my Magfed Paintball gun is site legal?
It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that any paintball gun you purchase will be “site legal”. Just because you can legally purchase a paintball gun, doesn’t mean that sites will consider it safe to use. All major paintball parks and fields require that players use “site legal” markers.
An example of this would be 0.43 paintball guns such as the Umarex PPQ pistol. Here in the UK most sites using 0.68 paint will not allow the 0.43 guns, due to a combination of insurance or Feet per second (FPS) limits.
Fortunately, there are sites that have dedicated walk-on days that allow a mixture of calibres (0.68, 0.50 and 0.43). Better still the large organised events have a better understanding and tolerance of a broader range of paintball guns.
It is always best to check with local fields and event organisers to ensure the paintball gun you purchase can be used as you intend it to be used.
Can modifying my Magfed Paintball gun break firearms laws?
It is very important to know the limits you can legally use your paintball gun. When visiting sites and events they will always have set FPS and fire rate limits (e.g. Full Auto may be banned).
Be very careful if you plan to modify your paintball guns performance or intend to set it at the highest possible velocity (FPS) for a less than lethal home defence option.
Most countries or states will have a legal limit for air\gas powered guns pressure and velocity. They may also have restrictions on the type of projectile that you are legally allowed to shoot from it.
If you breach these legal limits you could find yourself in serious legal trouble. In extreme cases, you may even find that you have broken local firearms acts and this could have severe penalties that may include a prison sentence.
Check with your local law enforcement agency first before modifying or using a paintball gun (or anything similar) for home defence.
If you do not comply with their advice, you run the risk of breaking these laws and can be prosecuted for it. This includes if someone breaks into your home and you were to use your paintball gun to defend yourself.
If you intend to use your magfed paintball gun for home defence please check your local or state law for reference for the following:
- Velocity limit (FPS)
- Power limit (Joules)
- Type of projectile allowed (paintballs, rubber balls etc)
- Restrictions e.g. do you need a firearm license?
- local self\home defence laws
Please note: This article is for information purposes only and not intended as legal advice. we take no responsibility if you do not comply with your local laws.
Are Magfed Paintball Guns Legal?
Don’t worry! If you purchase a paintball gun from a reputable reseller, intend to use it for the sport of paintball and have no intention of modifying or using it beyond the legal site limits in your country or state, you’re good to go!
By following these simple rules you can safely and responsibly own your magfed paintball gun;
- Make sure that you visit a local paintball site and set the velocity (FPS) to within acceptable limits legal limits and everything works.
- Visit paintball fields or dedicated magfed events on a regular basis. Maintaining a consistent pattern of intended use will help you defend ownership to anyone who challenges you.
- When transporting or handling your magfed gun, make sure that it is in a suitable case or bag and that it is not visible or obvious to the general public, and never, ever carry it in public spaces (open or concealed carry).
- The last thing you will want is any kind of law enforcement action in response to having a realistic or imitation firearm in a public place. The penalties and consequences for doing so could be severe!
- When handling any Magfed gun or pistol in a “safe Zone” or “at home” always treat it as though it is gassed and loaded (even when you know it isn’t!).
- Make sure the safety is on, there is no paint in the magazine or barrel and that any pressurised air or Co2 source has been removed.
- Only shoot your paintball gun in a safe and controlled environment. Such as registered paintball sites or events and only as directed by officials.
- Never shoot anything other than frangible purpose-made paintballs.
- Rubber or plastic projectiles should not be fired at living targets. Doing so may breach firearms laws and have severe legal consequences.
If you treat your magfed gun with respect and act responsibly with it the question of its legality will not be an issue. Best of all you will have a better experience and get the most fun and enjoyment out of the challenging sport of Magfed paintball.
I hope this post was helpful and as always stay safe!
Boris out…